Types of Thermal Spraying Methods


Thermal spray coatings are utilized for multiple uses in several industries. These coatings comprise molten powder and wire which are exposed to oxyfuel or plasma combustion. The spray utensil will power the thermal spray mixture through heat, and once it is sprayed on metals, the mixture forms a coating.


Thermal spray powder suppliers use thermal spray coatings for a broad spectrum of several universal applications. They are also used to protect large appliances like aeroplanes, ships, buildings, bridges and other structures from extreme weather temperatures, environmental conditions and chemical reactions.

Here are the most common thermal spray coatings processes/methods.

 High-velocity oxy-fuel Spraying (HVOF)

High-velocity oxy-fuel spraying (HVOF) is a thermal spraying method which uses a torch that allows the heat/flame to spread throughout the structure by using a nozzle. The torch enables fast acceleration, which speeds up the thermal spraying process. The final result is such that a thin layer of thermal spray coating is formed evenly on the structure. This coating is super reliable, and strong and functions effectively. After using the High-velocity oxy-fuel spraying (HVOF) method, the structure becomes resistant to corrosion.

 Combustion Flame Spraying

Combustion flame spraying is best suited for those structures or surfaces that can't handle extreme stress. The coatings released from the combustion flame spraying process are not fully settled/ attached to the structure piece. The spraying mechanism in this type of thermal spraying method uses low flame velocity, which is ideal for sensitive structures like glass. The flame is produced through oxygen combined with fuel. Diffcor Suppliers use combustion flame spraying for sensitive structures due to low cost and low-intensity applications.


 Plasma Spraying

Plasma spraying uses a plasma torch as the main tool for generating heat and spraying the coat on the surface or structure piece. After the thermal powder material is melted through the heated tool, it is placed on the surface similar to combustion flame spraying. The plasma spraying method leaves a thick coating of thermal spray on the surface compared to combustion flame spraying. Thermal spray powder is the most widely used by Diffcor manufacturer. The plasma spraying process is highly adaptable and protects the surface from corrosion and wear and tear.

 Vacuum Plasma Spraying

Vacuum plasma spraying is highly susceptible to weather and is performed in a closed environment. It utilizes low temperatures, which reduces the damage to the material. Thermal spray powder suppliers use a combination of gases, which allows the necessary pressure for thermal spray coating. Vacuum plasma spraying is mostly used for materials like dashboards, car bumpers, housings, doors, mirrors, etc. This process is also used as pre-treatment for certain mouldings, which provides adhesion to the item.


Thermal spray coating protects the material surface from corrosion or extreme weather conditions. This prolongs the life of the structure and prevents damage. Thermal spray coating is universally applied on multiple surfaces. The type of thermal spraying method is dependent on several factors such as the type of surface, properties and features of the surface.


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