Most Common Application Security Threats

 Adequate protection of mobile app security is essential as these applications contain sensitive user information like passwords, bank details, addresses, mobile numbers and other private information. Hackers can use the application's vulnerabilities to access the application's OS and access or misuse user-sensitive data.


Business organisations must incorporate app security measures to secure their private information from leaking or cyber threats. Most developers prefer integrating security measures during the application's development phase. Cybercriminals are continuously finding ways to hack systems and misuse or steal data. On the other hand, security experts are in an endless battle to protect the data.


Every year, malicious attackers develop new ways to threaten in-app protection, access databases and compromise sensitive data. Security experts are continuously making experts to build or developing new ways for robust application security solutions. They work on an app's vulnerabilities or weak points that can be misused by hackers and strengthen their system.

Most Common Application Security Threats

 Injection Attacks

A vulnerable application accepts injection attacks from untrusted data with an input field without any proper investigation. Attackers can easily trick the system server by typing codes into the input field. Injection attacks trick the system server into transcribing it as a system order and thus attackers control the server. These injection attacks lead to exploitation of sensitive information, misuse of admin privileges and unauthorized access to databases. The most common injection attacks are:

       SQL Injection

       Email Header Injection

       Cross-Site Scripting

How to prevent injection attacks?

       Investigate untrusted inputs and instantly delete or block them from queries and commands.

       Implement API (Application Programming Interface) which helps in avoiding parameterized interfaces or interpreters.

       Check, filter and clear all input data as per whitelist norms. These help in preventing harmful character combinations.

 Broken Authentication

Broken authentication is a general term given to vulnerabilities or weak points in a mobile app security which pose a huge threat to authentication, verification and session management tokens. The inadequate application of authentication and verification measures allows attackers to access legitimate user data, identity or information and probably misuse designated ID privileges.

How to prevent broken authentication?


       Implement multi-factor authentication for react native security.

       Locate limiters on simple/easy passwords.

       Disapprove session ID as soon as the activity ends.

       End sessions after a particular period of inactivity

 Security Misconfigurations

According to Owasp Mobile top 10, security misconfiguration is the most common app security threat across the globe. This type of vulnerability in a mobile application exists because app developers forget to change/edit common default settings for longer periods such as usernames, passwords, error messages, reference IDs, etc. It is extremely easy for professional hackers to detect and exploit default application system settings that were initially used to enhance user experience. These vulnerabilities impose larger threats once they are out in the internet world.

How to prevent security misconfigurations?

       Regularly maintain and update all mobile application elements such as servers, databases, operating systems, firewalls, extensions, etc.

        Change and update default configurations like passwords, usernames, IDs, etc.

  • Implement regular penetration tests.


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