Organic Fruits to Buy the Next Time you Go Grocery Shopping


If you have been buying organic food products regularly, you probably already know the importance of going organic. Organic vegetables and fruits are always recommended by health experts to keep the negative effects of pesticides at bay. The next time you go grocery shopping, make sure to check out some organic fruits. There are a few fruits that need to be bought organic as they are subjected to heavy use of pesticides. Buying their organic variants is recommended to avoid harmful effects on health. Organic fruits are free from pesticides, more nutritious, and tastier. 

Few fruits to buy organic

Certain fruits are ranked most contaminated which is why their organic versions are recommended to limit pesticide exposure. Listed below are a few fruits that you should buy organic. 


Strawberries are one of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits. They contain traces of pesticides that don't completely go away even after washing. Buying organic strawberries will ensure you derive maximum health benefits from this fruit. Strawberries are a rich source of magnesium, phosphorous, calcium, potassium, folate, and Vitamin K. 


Nectarines are sprayed with two or more pesticides which significantly deteriorates their quality. Buying conventionally grown nectarines is not recommended due to this reason. Organic nectarines are safe to consume and healthier than their conventional counterparts. They are a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Nectarines boost immunity, regulate blood pressure and promote longevity. 


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, consuming conventionally grown apples may invite diseases rather than protect you from them. Apples contain residue of pesticides as per studies. Since apple has thin peel, the pesticides easily pass through and get absorbed by the flesh. No amount of washing will help when the flesh has already absorbed the pesticide content. Organic apples rule out this risk and guarantee health benefits. 


Grapes are reported to have pesticide residues. If you are looking to buy grapes, search for the organic variety. Organic grapes support eye and bone health and are high in antioxidants. They can be used in salads, juices, desserts, and more. 


Cherries are also among the pesticide-contaminated fruits. Organic cherries soothe sore muscles, fight inflammation, lower the risk of cancer, and promote restful sleep. Start using organic cherries instead of conventional ones and you will see the difference. 


Pears contain pesticides in high concentrations. These pesticides are responsible for inflicting damaging effects on human health. Organic pears can be consumed without any second thoughts. Pears are among the foods that contain beneficial plant compounds. They possess anti-inflammatory properties and boost heart health. They also aid in weight loss. 

These are some of the fruits that should be bought in organic versions to avoid the consumption of pesticides through these fruits. If you are wondering how to identify organic vegetables and fruits, look for the organic label on the products. Organic labels ensure the product is sourced through organic farming techniques devoid of pesticides and artificial fertilizers. 


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