What is the Ideal Time to Visit an Orthodontist in Carlsbad CA?

Most parents don't take their kids to an orthodontist until they are around 10 or 12 years old. But kids should be taken to an orthodontist in Carlsbad CA before their last baby teeth fall out. Parents often don’t realize the importance of scheduling an appointment with the orthodontist. They postpone visits to an orthodontist until the dental problem becomes too severe. The ideal time to visit an orthodontist is when children turn 7 years old. This time is perfect for the orthodontist to plan the child's orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist can influence jaw growth and the development of teeth if treated at the right time. depending on how developed the child's teeth are, the orthodontist will suggest the appropriate treatment. When does the treatment ideally start? Children who don't need appliances to rectify their misaligned teeth can start their treatment around 11-13 years of age. The dentist at your Carlsbad Orthodontics clinic will decide whether yo...