Tips to Maintain Your Infant’s Oral Health


Adults are well-aware of the essential elements of an effective oral hygiene routine - brushing twice a day, flossing regularly, and routinely visiting the Carlsbad Family Dentistry for check-ups. In recent years, there has also been an increase in awareness of the importance of oral hygiene, especially with the latest inventions in dentistry. However, it is important to remember that oral hygiene is equally important for infants and toddlers as well. 


How to look after your baby’s oral health? 


Most people make the mistake of assuming that baby teeth aren’t as important since they will eventually fall out. However, milk teeth actually act as placeholders for permanent teeth and even determine their alignment. Hence, it is important to pay attention to your baby’s teeth as soon as they emerge. These teeth also help with the development of speech. So ideally, you want to avoid the development of cavities in these teeth as well. You can start visiting the Pediatric Dentistry in Carlsbad as soon as your baby’s first tooth erupts. The following are some other ways in which you can take care of your baby’s oral hygiene: 

Using a soft cloth to clean teeth 

Once your toddler has had their meal, you can gently wipe their gums using a soft cloth. Make sure to remove remnants of food from their mouth. This should especially be taken care of before they fall asleep. 

Don’t share germs 

Bacteria that cause cavities are often transferred from a parent’s mouth to their child’s mouth. Hence, it is advisable to avoid sharing utensils with your kid or putting items such as pacifiers in your mouth even as a joke. It is recommended by the Kids Dentist in Carlsbad to rinse and clean the items that your baby will use, before and after every single use. 

Make use of Teething Aids 

When baby teeth erupt, children’s gums become tender. In order to provide relief to children during this stage, you can offer them a clean and soft teething ring or even a chilled wet washcloth. Some people even put frozen fruit in a netted soother and offer it to their baby to suck on. However, if you do this, then make sure to clean their teeth and gums after they are done. 

Don’t give them Sugary Drinks 

Make sure to only give unsweetened beverages, water, and primary milk to your toddler. When putting your baby to sleep, make sure to remove their bottle from the crib and fill it with water. Milk that gets pooled in the mouth can result in oral health problems. 

Discourage Thumb sucking 

Thumb sucking is quite natural and most toddlers indulge in this habit. It’s okay if your kid is three years of age or below. However, thumb-sucking should be discouraged in kids four years of age or older. Thumb sucking can impact the development of the jaw and even result in the misalignment of teeth. 



Make sure to take your kid to the Orthodontist in Carlsbad at least once before they turn seven years of age. This helps orthodontists in monitoring their teeth and jaw development and diagnosing issues at an early stage. It will also help your little one feel comfortable in the clinical environment. 


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