Preventive Dental Services Offered by a Pediatric Dentist

 Regular dental care is important for both children and adults. Healthy teeth and gums play a crucial role in a person’s overall development. Kids that suffer from toothaches or bleeding gums might miss out on specific childhood experiences because they’d be too concerned with their deteriorating dental health. For instance, it becomes challenging to concentrate in classes when you are suffering from a toothache. Hence, it is advisable to visit the Carlsbad Family Dentistry regularly with your kids so that they can enjoy their childhood to the fullest. 


Important dental preventive measures you must know about 


Moreover, the habits that children develop during their formative years remain with them for their entire life. These habits are also quite hard to change as they get older. Hence, it is important to ensure that they practice good oral habits right from their early years. One such practice would be to take them to the pediatric dentist in Carlsbad ca every six months or so for dental checkups. When you visit the dentist regularly, they can suggest some preventive dental measures that will help your kid in avoiding any future dental problems. The following are some preventive measures that are provided by pediatric dentists: 

Dental Cleaning 

Dental cleaning refers to the process of removing hardened and stubborn bacterial plaque made up of mineralized plaque which is also called calculus. This process is also referred to as polishing and scaling. It is recommended that youngsters with healthy teeth should undergo dental cleaning at least twice a year. Scaling is the process of removing tartar by scraping it from the surface of the teeth with the help of specialized instruments. Once this is done, the teeth are then polished. This helps in preventing any cavities. Needless to say, this procedure gives your kid a boost of confidence to flaunt their pearly whites. 

Dental Sealants 

Dental sealants help in protecting the flat chewing surfaces of the molars which helps in preventing any decay. Alternatively, also called fissure sealants, these dental sealants are made of plastic compounds which harden as soon as they are applied to the teeth. This material is so thin that it is pretty much undetectable and does not affect the bite in any manner. Sealants can be applied during a single visit to the pediatric dentist Carlsbad ca. It is one of the most quick and effective preventive measures. 

Fluoride Treatment 

If your little one suffers from teeth sensitivity then fluoride treatment will be recommended by your pediatric dentist at the Pediatric Dental Office in Carlsbad. This treatment helps in strengthening the enamel and reducing sensitivity. During this process, dentists apply a light-yellow gel on the teeth with a paintbrush. The application process is painless and swift. For kids aged anywhere between 2 to 18 years of age, it is recommended to administer fluoride at least four times a year. 



When the first teeth erupt, it is recommended that parents gently brush their child’s teeth twice every day. Bacteria tend to grow in dry conditions, hence brushing right before sleeping and after waking up is recommended. As your kid grows, you might notice the development of crooked teeth or a bad bite. In such cases, you can always take them to a pediatric Orthodontist in Carlsbad Ca


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